2017.12.15 13:55:08 Seeding PRNG from /dev/urandom. 2017.12.15 13:55:08 LDMud 3.5.0 (3.5.0) (release) 2017.12.15 13:55:08 TLS: (GnuTLS) X509 certificate from '/home/mud/etc/cert.pem': 03:FB:56:E4:EC:4E:FB:5E:C6:0B:46:21:4B:4E:30:7A:08:7A:77:DE 2017.12.15 13:55:08 TLS: (GnuTLS) Trusted x509 certificates locations not specified. 2017.12.15 13:55:08 TLS: (GnuTLS) CRL checking disabled. 2017.12.15 13:55:08 TLS: Importing built-in default DH parameters. 2017.12.15 13:55:08 TLS: Setting built-in default priorities: PFS:+SECURE128:-VERS-SSL3.0:-DHE-DSS:-ARCFOUR-128:-MD5:-DES-CBC:%SERVER_PRECEDENCE. 2017.12.15 13:55:08 mySQL 10.1.26-MariaDB 2017.12.15 13:55:08 Attempting to start erq '/home/mud/bin/erq'. 2017.12.15 13:55:08 Hostname 'backup' address '' 2017.12.15 13:55:08 *** DISABLE ERROR LOG *** Preloading: [ /apps/fehlerd ] [ 1229 us] [ 622 Evals] Preloading: [ /apps/sqlfehlerd ] [ 1037 us] [ 235 Evals] +----- [ /p/rex/obj/anomaster ] not found. +----- [ /secure/im3/channel ] not found. Preloading: [ /secure/channeld ] [ 49781 us] [ 297 Evals] Preloading: [ /apps/wizlistinfod ] [ 735 us] [ 558 Evals] Preloading: [ /apps/colord ] [ 490 us] [ 628 Evals] Preloading: [ /i/room ] [ 9826 us] [ 1643 Evals] Preloading: [ /i/item ] [ 6866 us] [ 1986 Evals] Preloading: [ /obj/player ] [ 67340 us] [ 11311 Evals] Preloading: [ /apps/help_tool ] [ 11440 us] [ 537 Evals] Preloading: [ /apps/Q_register ] [ 735 us] [ 542 Evals] Preloading: [ /apps/race_tool ] [ 2094 us] [ 623 Evals] Preloading: [ /apps/startraum ] [ 608 us] [ 602 Evals] Preloading: [ /apps/banishd ] [ 424 us] [ 537 Evals] Preloading: [ /apps/filed ] [ 984 us] [ 551 Evals] Preloading: [ /brett/lib/newsd ] [ 2554 us] [ 684 Evals] Preloading: [ /obj/newsreader ] [ 4208 us] [ 725 Evals] Preloading: [ /obj/Qbrain ] [ 23087 us] [ 2965 Evals] Preloading: [ /obj/monster ] [ 17811 us] [ 3964 Evals] Preloading: [ /room/Qs/raumschiffe ] [ 2975 us] [ 12710 Evals] Preloading: [ /secure/event ] [ 2703 us] [ 425 Evals] Preloading: [ /secure/cron ] [ 672 us] [ 2044 Evals] Preloading: [ /secure/udp/inetd ] [ 8711 us] [ 31498 Evals] Preloading: [ /apps/kontrolld ] [ 2899 us] [ 549 Evals] Preloading: [ /secure/channeld ] [ 3 us] [ 93 Evals] Preloading: [ /apps/mysql ] [ 2 us] [ 93 Evals] Preloading: [ /apps/move_master ] [ 306580 us] [1245311 Evals] Preloading: [ /apps/reisenden_master ] [ 2489 us] [ 664 Evals] Preloading: [ /d/Taladon/wetter/co_master ] [ 1460 us] [ 987 Evals] Preloading: [ /d/Sol/zonk/detektei/detektei ] [ 101519 us] [ 193379 Evals] Preloading: [ /d/Sol/gynite/galaxy/pressmaster ] [ 4296 us] [ 2529 Evals] Preloading: [ /d/Akaardan/pub/load_master ] [ 1121 us] [ 654 Evals] Preloading: [ /p/simulacron/kontakt ] (ignoring: file not found) Preloading: [ /apps/munind ] [ 671 us] [ 284 Evals] 2017.12.15 13:55:09 *** ENABLE ERROR LOG *** 2017.12.15 13:55:09 LDMud ready for users. 2017.12.15 13:55:15 d/Sol/arifan/i/mm_move.c line 222: Warning: Redefinition of 'journey_failed' loses 'varargs' modifier before ' {'. 2017.12.15 13:55:15 d/Sol/arifan/i/mm_move.c line 393: Warning: Multiple inconsistent declarations of 'my_move' encountered: Deactivating argument type checks. before ' {'. 2017.12.15 13:55:15 d/Sol/zonk/i/sessel.c line 58: Multiple visibility modifier given: static private before ' mixed w, '. 2017.12.15 13:55:15 Error in loading object: 'd/Sol/zonk/i/sessel' (inherited by 'd/Sol/zonk/obj/sitze/sessels'). 2017.12.15 13:55:29 d/Quornitum/imar/univers/utils/hangarcard.c line 203: Warning: Redefinition of 'query_read' loses 'varargs' modifier before end of line. 2017.12.15 13:55:29 d/Akaardan/strider/bank/excesscard.c line 40: Warning: Redefinition of 'query_money' loses 'varargs' modifier before ' // add un'. 2017.12.15 13:55:37 d/Sol/overlord/chaos/obj/holo_design_tool.c line 1018: Warning: Multiple inconsistent declarations of 'set_load_input' encountered: Deactivating argument type checks. before ' {'. 2017.12.15 13:55:21 MCCP-DEBUG: 'secure/obj/login#151' mccp started (86) l:w8 READ /w/manuel/zonk-0-0.o (p:zonk|read_file|/p/zonk/tools/zonk) -> 0 (120) READ /w/manuel/zonk-0-0.bak (p:zonk|read_file|/p/zonk/tools/zonk) -> 0 (120) READ /w/manuel/zonk-0-0.o (p:zonk|read_file|/p/zonk/tools/zonk) -> 0 (120) READ /w/manuel/zonk-0-0.bak (p:zonk|read_file|/p/zonk/tools/zonk) -> 0 (120) READ /w/manuel/zonk-pKT7-7w.o (0|read_file|/p/zonk/tools/zonk#182) -> 0 (54) READ /w/manuel/zonk-pKT7-7w.bak (0|read_file|/p/zonk/tools/zonk#182) -> 0 (54) READ /w/manuel/zonk-pKT7-7w.o (0|read_file|/p/zonk/tools/zonk#182) -> 0 (54) READ /w/manuel/zonk-pKT7-7w.bak (0|read_file|/p/zonk/tools/zonk#182) -> 0 (54) READ /w/manuel/zonk-pKT7-7w.o (0|read_file|/p/zonk/tools/zonk#182) -> 0 (54) READ /w/manuel/zonk-pKT7-7w.bak (0|read_file|/p/zonk/tools/zonk#182) -> 0 (54) READ /w/manuel/zonk-pKT7-7w.o (0|read_file|/p/zonk/tools/zonk#182) -> 0 (54) READ /w/manuel/zonk-pKT7-7w.bak (0|read_file|/p/zonk/tools/zonk#182) -> 0 (54) 2017.12.15 13:55:38 bad type 1 in swap_svalues() secure/simul_efun/simul_efun secure/simul_efun/simul_efun.c (/secure/simul_efun/util.inc) line 175 0x5781e921: 31 0 local (0: 30) line 175 0x5781e923: 262 41 load_name (1: 31) 0x5781e925: 10 43 cstring0 (1: 31) 0x5781e927: 52 == (2: 32) 0x5781e928: 40 7 || (1: 31) 0x5781e92a: 31 0 local (0: 30) line 176 0x5781e92c: 262 41 load_name (1: 31) 0x5781e92e: 10 44 cstring0 (1: 31) 0x5781e930: 52 == (2: 32) 0x5781e931: 108 branch_when_zero (1: 31) 0x5781e93d: 15 const0 (0: 30) line 177 0x5781e93e: 24 return (1: 31) d/Sol/knoerry/npc/fanfa i/monster/communicate.c line 567 0x57a68640: 145 make_rvalue (1: 30) line 567 0x57a68641: 108 branch_when_zero (1: 30) 0x57a68645: 126 0 push_local_variable_lvalue (0: 29) line 566 0x57a68647: 35 x++ (1: 30) 0x57a68648: 275 54 previous_object (1: 30) 0x57a6864a: 126 1 push_local_variable_lvalue (1: 30) 0x57a6864c: 41 = (2: 31) 0x57a6864d: 111 19 bbranch_when_non_zero (1: 30) 0x57a6864f: 25 return0 (0: 29) line 569 0x57a6866b: 100 restore_arg_frame (2: 28) line 580 0x57a6866c: 145 make_rvalue (1: 27) 0x57a6866d: 40 7 || (1: 27) 0x57a6866f: 8 3 identifier (0: 26) line 582 0x57a68671: 39 885573891 && (1: 27) 0x57a68676: 39 && (1: 27) 0x57a68688: 39 && (1: 27) line 584 0x57a68691: 108 branch_when_zero (1: 27) line 585 0x57a6871a: 25 return0 (0: 26) line 607 0x57a688f0: 100 restore_arg_frame (2: 25) line 830 0x57a688f1: 145 make_rvalue (1: 24) 0x57a688f2: 93 pop_value (1: 24) 0x57a688f3: 25 return0 (0: 23) line 831 d/Sol/knoerry/galaxypress/wachraum i/room.c line 1476 0x578dcc46: 100 restore_arg_frame (2: 17) line 1476 0x578dcc47: 145 make_rvalue (1: 16) 0x578dcc48: 93 pop_value (1: 16) 0x578dcc49: 25 return0 (0: 15) line 1477 d/Sol/knoerry/npc/fanfa i/monster/monster.c line 1323 0x57a86f96: 100 restore_arg_frame (2: 9) line 1323 0x57a86f97: 145 make_rvalue (1: 8) 0x57a86f98: 93 pop_value (1: 8) 0x57a86f99: 16 const1 (0: 7) line 1324 0x57a86f9a: 24 return (1: 8) 0x57a86056: 100 restore_arg_frame (2: 6) line 210 0x57a86057: 24 return (1: 5) 0x57a8646c: 100 restore_arg_frame (2: 4) line 509 0x57a8646d: 145 make_rvalue (1: 3) 0x57a8646e: 24 return (1: 3) d/Sol/knoerry/npc/fanfa d/Sol/knoerry/npc/fanfa.c line 134 0x581e9ed8: 100 restore_arg_frame (2: 2) line 134 0x581e9ed9: 145 make_rvalue (1: 1) 0x581e9eda: 93 pop_value (1: 1) 0x581e9edb: 10 30 cstring0 (0: 0) line 135 0x581e9edd: 247 26 find_call_out (1: 1) 0x581e9edf: 15 const0 (1: 1) 0x581e9ee0: 50 < (2: 2) 0x581e9ee1: 108 branch_when_zero (1: 1) 0x581e9ef1: 25 return0 (0: 0) line 136 room/Qs/raumschiffe room/Qs/raumschiffe.c line 131 0x57a810b2: 98 769 clear_locals (0: 3) line 131 0x57a810b5: 31 0 local (0: 3) line 134 0x57a810b7: 126 1 push_local_variable_lvalue (1: 4) 0x57a810b9: 42 (void)= (2: 5) 0x57a810ba: 107 branch (0: 3) 0x57a8112f: 31 1 local (0: 3) 0x57a81131: 8 65 identifier (1: 4) 0x57a81133: 195 sizeof (2: 5) 0x57a81134: 50 < (2: 5) 0x57a81135: 111 122 bbranch_when_non_zero (1: 4) 0x57a81137: 10 22 cstring0 (0: 3) line 156 0x57a81139: 247 26 find_call_out (1: 4) 0x57a8113b: 17 nconst1 (1: 4) 0x57a8113c: 52 == (2: 5) 0x57a8113d: 108 12 branch_when_zero (1: 4) 0x57a8113f: 99 save_arg_frame (0: 3) line 157 0x57a81140: 10 22 cstring0 (1: 4) 0x57a81142: 18 4 clit (2: 5) 0x57a81144: 101 use_arg_frame (3: 6) 0x57a81145: 156 simul_efun (3: 6) secure/simul_efun/simul_efun secure/simul_efun/simul_efun.c (/secure/simul_efun/obselet.inc) line 42 0x5782241e: 31 1 local (0: 7) line 42 0x57822420: 15 const0 (1: 8) 0x57822421: 52 == (2: 9) 0x57822422: 108 branch_when_zero (1: 8) 0x57822428: 99 save_arg_frame (0: 7) line 47 0x57822429: 99 save_arg_frame (1: 8) 0x5782242a: 22 61832 closure (2: 9) 0x5782242f: 162 previous_object0 (3: 10) 0x57822430: 390 4 bind_lambda (4: 11) 0x57822432: 100 restore_arg_frame (3: 10) 0x57822433: 31 0 local (2: 9) 0x57822435: 31 1 local (3: 10) 0x57822437: 31 2 local (4: 11) 0x57822439: 389 apply (5: 12) room/Qs/raumschiffe line 0 0xff8f6ba7: 392 31 call_out (2: 11) line 0 0xff8f6ba9: 25 return0 (0: 9) secure/simul_efun/simul_efun secure/simul_efun/simul_efun.c (/secure/simul_efun/obselet.inc) line 47 0x5782243b: 100 restore_arg_frame (2: 9) line 47 0x5782243c: 145 make_rvalue (1: 8) 0x5782243d: 24 return (1: 8) room/Qs/raumschiffe room/Qs/raumschiffe.c line 157 0x57a81148: 100 restore_arg_frame (2: 5) line 157 0x57a81149: 145 make_rvalue (1: 4) 0x57a8114a: 93 pop_value (1: 4) 0x57a8114b: 25 return0 (0: 3) line 158 d/Sol/gynite/chaos/npc/mickey d/Sol/gynite/chaos/npc/mickey.c line 609 0x582eb73e: 99 save_arg_frame (0: 2) line 609 0x582eb73f: 31 0 local (1: 3) 0x582eb741: 112 call_function (2: 4) d/Sol/gynite/chaos/npc/mickey d/Sol/gynite/chaos/npc/mickey.c (/d/Sol/gynite/chaos/npc/MM_global.inc) line 337 0x582e7bae: 31 0 local (0: 4) line 337 0x582e7bb0: 109 6401 branch_when_non_zero (1: 5) 0x582e7bb3: 99 save_arg_frame (0: 4) line 338 0x582e7bb4: 400 14 environment (1: 5) 0x582e7bb6: 100 restore_arg_frame (2: 6) 0x582e7bb7: 99 save_arg_frame (1: 5) 0x582e7bb8: 31 0 local (2: 6) 0x582e7bba: 400 14 environment (3: 7) 0x582e7bbc: 100 restore_arg_frame (3: 7) 0x582e7bbd: 53 != (2: 6) 0x582e7bbe: 108 6401 branch_when_zero (1: 5) 0x582e7bc1: 16 const1 (0: 4) line 339 0x582e7bc2: 24 return (1: 5) d/Sol/gynite/chaos/npc/mickey d/Sol/gynite/chaos/npc/mickey.c line 609 0x582eb744: 100 restore_arg_frame (2: 4) line 609 0x582eb745: 145 make_rvalue (1: 3) 0x582eb746: 109 branch_when_non_zero (1: 3) 0x582eb74c: 99 save_arg_frame (0: 2) line 610 0x582eb74d: 31 0 local (1: 3) 0x582eb74f: 10 254 cstring0 (2: 4) 0x582eb751: 182 call_other (3: 5) d/Sol/overlord/chaos/npc/hologramm#189 i/item/name.c line 85 0x578db75a: 8 0 identifier (0: 5) line 85 0x578db75c: 24 return (1: 6) d/Sol/gynite/chaos/npc/mickey d/Sol/gynite/chaos/npc/mickey.c line 610 0x582eb752: 100 restore_arg_frame (2: 4) line 610 0x582eb753: 145 make_rvalue (1: 3) 0x582eb754: 16 const1 (1: 3) 0x582eb755: 48 > (2: 4) 0x582eb756: 108 branch_when_zero (1: 3) 0x582eb75c: 99 save_arg_frame (0: 2) line 612 0x582eb75d: 31 0 local (1: 3) 0x582eb75f: 12 162 cstring2 (2: 4) 0x582eb761: 182 call_other (3: 5) 0x582eb762: 100 restore_arg_frame (2: 4) 0x582eb763: 145 make_rvalue (1: 3) 0x582eb764: 39 && (1: 3) 0x582eb76d: 108 branch_when_zero (1: 3) line 614 0x582eb7b0: 99 save_arg_frame (0: 2) line 619 0x582eb7b1: 31 0 local (1: 3) 0x582eb7b3: 10 94 cstring0 (2: 4) 0x582eb7b5: 182 call_other (3: 5) d/Sol/overlord/chaos/npc/hologramm#189 i/living/race.c line 25 0x5790d552: 8 0 identifier (0: 5) line 25 0x5790d554: 24 return (1: 6) d/Sol/gynite/chaos/npc/mickey d/Sol/gynite/chaos/npc/mickey.c line 619 0x582eb7b6: 100 restore_arg_frame (2: 4) line 619 0x582eb7b7: 145 make_rvalue (1: 3) 0x582eb7b8: 10 210 cstring0 (1: 3) 0x582eb7ba: 52 == (2: 4) 0x582eb7bb: 108 3 branch_when_zero (1: 3) 0x582eb7bd: 25 return0 (0: 2) line 620 d/Sol/gynite/chaos/npc/mallory d/Sol/gynite/chaos/npc/mallory.c line 642 0x58381062: 99 save_arg_frame (0: 2) line 642 0x58381063: 31 0 local (1: 3) 0x58381065: 112 call_function (2: 4) d/Sol/gynite/chaos/npc/mallory d/Sol/gynite/chaos/npc/mallory.c (/d/Sol/gynite/chaos/npc/MM_global.inc) line 337 0x5837ce02: 31 0 local (0: 4) line 337 0x5837ce04: 109 6401 branch_when_non_zero (1: 5) 0x5837ce07: 99 save_arg_frame (0: 4) line 338 0x5837ce08: 400 14 environment (1: 5) 0x5837ce0a: 100 restore_arg_frame (2: 6) 0x5837ce0b: 99 save_arg_frame (1: 5) 0x5837ce0c: 31 0 local (2: 6) 0x5837ce0e: 400 14 environment (3: 7) 0x5837ce10: 100 restore_arg_frame (3: 7) 0x5837ce11: 53 != (2: 6) 0x5837ce12: 108 6401 branch_when_zero (1: 5) 0x5837ce15: 16 const1 (0: 4) line 339 0x5837ce16: 24 return (1: 5) d/Sol/gynite/chaos/npc/mallory d/Sol/gynite/chaos/npc/mallory.c line 642 0x58381068: 100 restore_arg_frame (2: 4) line 642 0x58381069: 145 make_rvalue (1: 3) 0x5838106a: 109 branch_when_non_zero (1: 3) 0x58381070: 99 save_arg_frame (0: 2) line 643 0x58381071: 31 0 local (1: 3) 0x58381073: 10 251 cstring0 (2: 4) 0x58381075: 182 call_other (3: 5) d/Sol/overlord/chaos/npc/hologramm#189 i/item/name.c line 85 0x578db75a: 8 0 identifier (0: 5) line 85 0x578db75c: 24 return (1: 6) d/Sol/gynite/chaos/npc/mallory d/Sol/gynite/chaos/npc/mallory.c line 643 0x58381076: 100 restore_arg_frame (2: 4) line 643 0x58381077: 145 make_rvalue (1: 3) 0x58381078: 16 const1 (1: 3) 0x58381079: 48 > (2: 4) 0x5838107a: 108 branch_when_zero (1: 3) 0x58381080: 99 save_arg_frame (0: 2) line 645 0x58381081: 31 0 local (1: 3) 0x58381083: 13 12 cstring3 (2: 4) 0x58381085: 182 call_other (3: 5) 0x58381086: 100 restore_arg_frame (2: 4) 0x58381087: 145 make_rvalue (1: 3) 0x58381088: 39 && (1: 3) 0x58381091: 108 branch_when_zero (1: 3) line 647 0x583810d5: 99 save_arg_frame (0: 2) line 652 0x583810d6: 31 0 local (1: 3) 0x583810d8: 10 94 cstring0 (2: 4) 0x583810da: 182 call_other (3: 5) d/Sol/overlord/chaos/npc/hologramm#189 i/living/race.c line 25 0x5790d552: 8 0 identifier (0: 5) line 25 0x5790d554: 24 return (1: 6) d/Sol/gynite/chaos/npc/mallory d/Sol/gynite/chaos/npc/mallory.c line 652 0x583810db: 100 restore_arg_frame (2: 4) line 652 0x583810dc: 145 make_rvalue (1: 3) 0x583810dd: 10 210 cstring0 (1: 3) 0x583810df: 52 == (2: 4) 0x583810e0: 108 4 branch_when_zero (1: 3) line 653 0x583810e2: 25 return0 (0: 2) 0x583be296: 10 82 200 182 100 145 93 25 No program to trace. 2017.12.15 13:55:39 LDMud aborting on fatal error. 2017.12.15 13:55:40 Saving Players! 2017.12.15 13:55:40 Saving Inventories!