View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000770LDMud 3.5Compilation, Installationpublic2018-01-30 03:59
Reporter_xtian_ Assigned Tozesstra  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Platform64bit 3.5 
Fixed in Version3.5.0 
Summary0000770: bitwise AND doesnt work on ints > 32bit
DescriptionNote: We are on a 64bit platform now.

zlpc return 0x1000000000

> zlpc return __INT_MAX__

> zlpc return 0x1000000000 & 0x1000000000

Zesstra thinks the interpreter may use "int" internally for F_AND
TagsNo tags attached.


child of 0000555 closed Complete support for 64bit (LP64) architectures 



2011-01-21 18:47

administrator   ~0001952

The interpreter assigns the result of the AND to an int (instead of p_int), which cuts off the higher 32 bits of the value and the remaining part is 0.

OR, XOR, leftshift, rightshift and modulo have the same problem.


2011-02-13 21:34

administrator   ~0001966

Fix committed in revision 45c011affccfc92df723f6824a170a11d8dee4e6 to master branch (see changeset 759 for details). Thank you for reporting!


2018-01-29 18:59

administrator   ~0002333

Fix committed in revision 45c011affccfc92df723f6824a170a11d8dee4e6 to master branch (see changeset 1590 for details). Thank you for reporting!


2018-01-29 21:57

administrator   ~0002384

Fix committed in revision 45c011affccfc92df723f6824a170a11d8dee4e6 to master branch (see changeset 2921 for details). Thank you for reporting!


2018-01-30 03:59

administrator   ~0002435

Fix committed in revision 45c011affccfc92df723f6824a170a11d8dee4e6 to master branch (see changeset 4003 for details). Thank you for reporting!

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2011-01-21 18:21 _xtian_ New Issue
2011-01-21 18:39 zesstra Assigned To => zesstra
2011-01-21 18:39 zesstra Status new => assigned
2011-01-21 18:47 zesstra Note Added: 0001952
2011-01-21 18:49 zesstra Project LDMud => LDMud 3.3
2011-01-21 18:50 zesstra Category Runtime => Compilation, Installation
2011-01-21 18:50 zesstra Product Version => 3.3.718
2011-01-21 18:50 zesstra Target Version => 3.3.720
2011-01-21 18:51 zesstra Relationship added child of 0000555
2011-02-13 18:15 zesstra Project LDMud 3.3 => LDMud 3.5
2011-02-13 21:34 zesstra Source_changeset_attached => ldmud.git master 45c011af
2011-02-13 21:34 zesstra Source_changeset_attached => ldmud.git master 42bf5fd4
2011-02-13 21:34 zesstra Source_changeset_attached => ldmud.git master eada8e35
2011-02-13 21:34 zesstra Note Added: 0001966
2011-02-13 21:34 zesstra Status assigned => resolved
2011-02-13 21:34 zesstra Resolution open => fixed
2011-02-13 21:36 zesstra Fixed in Version => 3.5.0
2018-01-29 18:59 zesstra Source_changeset_attached => ldmud.git master 45c011af
2018-01-29 18:59 zesstra Source_changeset_attached => ldmud.git master 42bf5fd4
2018-01-29 18:59 zesstra Source_changeset_attached => ldmud.git master eada8e35
2018-01-29 18:59 zesstra Note Added: 0002333
2018-01-29 21:57 zesstra Source_changeset_attached => ldmud.git master 45c011af
2018-01-29 21:57 zesstra Source_changeset_attached => ldmud.git master 42bf5fd4
2018-01-29 21:57 zesstra Source_changeset_attached => ldmud.git master eada8e35
2018-01-29 21:57 zesstra Note Added: 0002384
2018-01-30 03:59 zesstra Source_changeset_attached => ldmud.git master 45c011af
2018-01-30 03:59 zesstra Source_changeset_attached => ldmud.git master 42bf5fd4
2018-01-30 03:59 zesstra Source_changeset_attached => ldmud.git master eada8e35
2018-01-30 03:59 zesstra Note Added: 0002435