View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000747LDMud 3.5Implementationpublic2010-04-26 14:35
Reporterzesstra Assigned Tozesstra  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Platformi686OSMacOS XOS Version10.5.x
Target Version3.5.0Fixed in Version3.5.0 
Summary0000747: Cloning a blueprint with active heart_beat() disables its heart_heart permanently.
DescriptionIf you clone a blueprint object which has an active heart_beat, its HB will be deactivated.
AFAIR this is done to prevent creating clones with active HBs, so the HB of the blueprint will be deactivated first. But I think, the HB should be reactivated after cloning is complete.
Or is there a compelling reason why it should be this way?
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2010-04-23 15:35

administrator   ~0001826

I am a bit irritated. The source states that HBs are deactivated to prevent the creation of copied (cloned) objects with enabled HBs. But the flags of the blueprints are anyway not copied to the new object... So for me that deactivation seems to be completely superfluous.


2010-04-26 14:35

administrator   ~0001833

Removed the deactivation of the HB in r2903 (3.5.) and r2904 (3.3.)

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2010-04-21 15:53 zesstra New Issue
2010-04-23 15:35 zesstra Note Added: 0001826
2010-04-26 14:35 zesstra Note Added: 0001833
2010-04-26 14:35 zesstra Status new => resolved
2010-04-26 14:35 zesstra Fixed in Version => 3.5.0
2010-04-26 14:35 zesstra Resolution open => fixed
2010-04-26 14:35 zesstra Assigned To => zesstra