View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000040LDMud 3.2-devLPC Compiler/Preprocessorpublic2004-05-17 07:27
Reportermenaures Assigned Tolars 
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Summary0000040: <program names too long>
DescriptionIn UNItopia, we often get rather useless traces because program names are not shown, but instead replaced by the <program names too long> string.

Is it possible to allow longer program names?
TagsNo tags attached.



2004-03-29 22:31

reporter   ~0000037

For 3.2, just increase the namebuf size in interpret.c:: get_line_number(). For 3.3, use the fact that the namebuf[] is just used as a temporary and replace it in favor of an all-mstring or alloca() based concatenation.


2004-04-01 21:08

reporter   ~0000038

Resolved in 3.2-dev.621 and 3.3.507

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2004-01-02 01:40 menaures New Issue
2004-03-29 22:31 lars Note Added: 0000037
2004-04-01 21:08 lars Status new => resolved
2004-04-01 21:08 lars Resolution open => fixed
2004-04-01 21:08 lars Assigned To => lars
2004-04-01 21:08 lars Note Added: 0000038
2004-05-17 07:27 lars Status resolved => closed