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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000428LDMud 3.3Efunspublic2007-05-04 15:15
Reporterhkremss Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Summary0000428: more detailed return codes for filesys efuns
DescriptionLast week one of our wizards had problems with a wizard tool. The tool could not create a file somewhere in his home. The default error message was something like 'Could not write file for some reason, maybe missing access rights.', the only message the tool creates, if write_file(E) fails. He was not able to find the reason and noone else was online to help. The reason for this message is (from write_file(E) manpage) 'Returns 0 for failure and 1 for success.' The same thing for rm(E), mkdir(E), rmdir(E), rename(E), copy_file(E). Only file_size(E) has two different error return codes. I think it would be great to have either more detailed return codes for all file system efuns or a last_error() efun to get more detailed information.
This is a feature request.
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2007-05-04 15:15

reporter   ~0000536

I once added an f_errno efun which simply returned C's errno.
Dirty, but useful. I don't have it at hand, but it was trivial and not elegant.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2005-12-23 03:11 hkremss New Issue
2007-05-04 15:15 lynx Note Added: 0000536