View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000508LDMud 3.3LPC Compiler/Preprocessorpublic2018-01-29 21:57
ReporterGnomi Assigned Tolars 
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Platformi686OSDebian GNU/LinuxOS Version3.1
Product Version3.3 
Fixed in Version3.3.717 
Summary0000508: There is an off-by-one in the linenumbers in include files using auto-include-strings

consider the following files:

-- oneoff.c ---
#pragma BeginC
#include ""
#pragma EndC

-- ---
#pragma IncFile

And an auto-include hook return "#pragma AutoInc-IncFile\n" or "#pragma AutoInc-CFile\n" depending on whether it is the main file or an included file.
These pragmas are just for giving warnings with the current line number.
Compiling oneoff.c gives the following result:

Warning: w/gnomi/oneoff.c (auto include) line 1: Unknown #pragma 'AutoInc-CFile'
Warning: w/gnomi/oneoff.c line 1: Unknown #pragma 'BeginC'
Warning: w/gnomi/ (auto include) line 2: Unknown #pragma 'AutoInc-IncFile'
Warning: w/gnomi/ line 0: Unknown #pragma 'IncFile'
Warning: w/gnomi/oneoff.c line 3: Unknown #pragma 'EndC'

The linenumbers in oneoff.c and its auto include string are correct, but not these from The auto include string should start at line 1 not 2, and should start at line 1 and not 0.

The linenumber within the auto include string is one too high because the #include statement (in handle_preprocessor_statement()) will increment the linenumber after having handled the include stuff, and add_auto_include is not aware of that.

The linenumber within the include file itself is one too low because the linenumbering for include files starts at zero (because the #include will increment it afterwards), for the main file it starts at one. add_auto_include() increments it, to make it correct for include files (because the #incude will now increment the linenumber of the auto include string and not of the include file itself), but the CHAR_EOF handling in yylex1 will decrement it to counteract the incrementation for the main file.

I attached a diff that fixes this. I removed the linenumber adjustment in the CHAR_EOF handling and let add_auto_include() increment the linenumber just once, either before or after starting the auto include string depending on whether we are in the main file or include file.

TagsNo tags attached.


2007-08-07 03:40


incoffbyone.diff (1,698 bytes)   
Index: trunk/src/lex.c
--- trunk/src/lex.c	(Revision 2314)
+++ trunk/src/lex.c	(Arbeitskopie)
@@ -2592,10 +2592,12 @@
     if (auto_include_string != NULL)
         /* The auto include string is handled like a normal include */
-        current_loc.line++; /* Make sure to restore to line 1 */
+        if (cur_file != NULL)   /* Otherwise we already are at line 1 */
+            current_loc.line++; /* Make sure to restore to line 1 */
         (void)start_new_include(-1, auto_include_string
                                , current_loc.file->name, "auto include", ')');
-        current_loc.line++; /* Make sure to start at line 1 */
+        if (cur_file == NULL)   /* Otherwise #include will increment it */
+            current_loc.line++; /* Make sure to start at line 1 */
 } /* add_auto_include() */
@@ -4626,18 +4628,6 @@
                 current_loc = p->loc;
                 if (!was_string_source)
-                else
-                {
-                    /* 'string' includes are supposed to be inline
-                     * so correct the line number information to take out
-                     * the assumed newlines.
-                     * This has to be done after store_include_end()
-                     * since that function may remove all line number
-                     * information since the start of the include.
-                     */
-                    current_loc.line -= 1;
-                    store_line_number_backward(1);
-                }
                 yyin = p->yyin;
                 saved_char = p->saved_char;
incoffbyone.diff (1,698 bytes)   


2007-11-11 17:39

reporter   ~0000578

Thanks for the patch!

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2007-08-07 03:40 Gnomi New Issue
2007-08-07 03:40 Gnomi File Added: incoffbyone.diff
2007-11-11 17:39 lars Status new => resolved
2007-11-11 17:39 lars Fixed in Version => 3.3.717
2007-11-11 17:39 lars Resolution open => fixed
2007-11-11 17:39 lars Assigned To => lars
2007-11-11 17:39 lars Note Added: 0000578
2009-04-14 12:14 zesstra Project LDMud => LDMud 3.3
2010-11-16 09:42 lars Source_changeset_attached => ldmud.git master f49af147
2018-01-29 18:59 lars Source_changeset_attached => ldmud.git master f49af147
2018-01-29 21:57 lars Source_changeset_attached => ldmud.git master f49af147