View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000632LDMud 3.3Implementationpublic2011-02-22 23:00
ReporterGnomi Assigned ToGnomi  
Status resolvedResolutionwon't fix 
Product Version3.3.718 
Target Version3.3.719Fixed in Version3.3.719 
Summary0000632: Initializers shouldn't reference the initialized variable
DescriptionFrom 0000631:

Sorcerer wrote:

  funcall(function int () {
            return funcall(function int () : int i=i {
              return i;

throws an error

Gnomi wrote:
The last one is a different problem, similar to the following:

  int x = 1; // global variable

  int fun()
    int x = x;

    return x;

fun() will return 0, because the initializer (= x) references the local variable not the global one. The same happens when initializing the context variable int i = i, the parser initializes the context variable i with itself but at that time the context doesn't exist yet, so an error is thrown.
TagsNo tags attached.


related to 0000631 resolvedGnomi Inconsistent behaviour of nested inline closures 


2009-04-29 05:52


bug632.diff (2,276 bytes)   
Index: trunk/src/prolang.y
--- trunk/src/prolang.y	(Revision 2554)
+++ trunk/src/prolang.y	(Arbeitskopie)
@@ -6970,23 +7021,19 @@
           $$ = $1;
-    | basic_type optional_star L_IDENTIFIER
+    | basic_type optional_star L_IDENTIFIER L_ASSIGN expr0
-          define_local_variable($3, $1, $2, &$<lvalue>$, MY_FALSE, MY_TRUE);
-      }
-      L_ASSIGN expr0
-      {
-          init_local_variable($3, &$<lvalue>4, $5, $6.type);
+          struct lvalue_s lv;
+          define_local_variable($3, $1, $2, &lv, MY_FALSE, MY_TRUE);
+          init_local_variable($3, &lv, $4, $5.type);
           $$ = $1;
-    | basic_type optional_star L_LOCAL
+    | basic_type optional_star L_LOCAL L_ASSIGN expr0
-          define_local_variable($3, $1, $2, &$<lvalue>$, MY_TRUE, MY_TRUE);
-      }
-      L_ASSIGN expr0
-      {
-          init_local_variable($3, &$<lvalue>4, $5, $6.type);
+          struct lvalue_s lv;
+          define_local_variable($3, $1, $2, &lv, MY_TRUE, MY_TRUE);
+          init_local_variable($3, &lv, $4, $5.type);
           $$ = $1;
@@ -7004,23 +7051,19 @@
           $$ = $1;
-    | local_name_list ',' optional_star L_IDENTIFIER
+    | local_name_list ',' optional_star L_IDENTIFIER L_ASSIGN expr0
-          define_local_variable($4, $1, $3, &$<lvalue>$, MY_FALSE, MY_TRUE);
-      }
-      L_ASSIGN expr0
-      {
-          init_local_variable($4, &$<lvalue>5, $6, $7.type);
+          struct lvalue_s lv;
+          define_local_variable($4, $1, $3, &lv, MY_FALSE, MY_TRUE);
+          init_local_variable($4, &lv, $5, $6.type);
           $$ = $1;
-    | local_name_list ',' optional_star L_LOCAL
+    | local_name_list ',' optional_star L_LOCAL L_ASSIGN expr0
-          define_local_variable($4, $1, $3, &$<lvalue>$, MY_TRUE, MY_TRUE);
-      }
-      L_ASSIGN expr0
-      {
-          init_local_variable($4, &$<lvalue>5, $6, $7.type);
+          struct lvalue_s lv;
+          define_local_variable($4, $1, $3, &lv, MY_TRUE, MY_TRUE);
+          init_local_variable($4, &lv, $5, $6.type);
           $$ = $1;
bug632.diff (2,276 bytes)   


2009-04-29 05:58

manager   ~0001068

I attached a patch that postpones the declaration of a variable until the initializer was parsed. But the following situation needs special treatment:

  int a = 2;

  return funcall(
    function int() : int b = a; int c = b
      return c;


2009-04-30 02:07

manager   ~0001069

Last edited: 2009-04-30 02:09

In C and Java 'int x = x;' references the local variable. So in C you get an undefined result, Java shows a warning "The assignment to variable x has no effect" and an error "The local variable x may not have been initialized".

Do we want to keep that behavior? (The posted patch implements another behavior.)


2009-05-04 04:12

updater   ~0001072

I strongly support keeping the C/Java-style behavior. In my above example, if you want to use i in the inline closure, you should simply use it from the implicit context.
Declaring somthing like 'int x = x;' can easily lead to confusions which variable is accessed at which point in the code.
Especially for unexperienced programmers (which is the main-clientele of LPC) this will make things more difficult than they have to be.
So I opt for at least issuing a warning if someone uses these constructs (an error with pragma pedantic) or even an error in either case.


2009-05-05 13:56

manager   ~0001081

Okay, I changed my mind and agree with Sorcerer.
So I'll close this bug.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2009-04-29 03:49 Gnomi New Issue
2009-04-29 03:49 Gnomi Status new => assigned
2009-04-29 03:49 Gnomi Assigned To => Gnomi
2009-04-29 03:49 Gnomi Issue generated from: 0000631
2009-04-29 03:49 Gnomi Relationship added related to 0000631
2009-04-29 03:50 Gnomi Target Version => 3.3.719
2009-04-29 05:52 Gnomi File Added: bug632.diff
2009-04-29 05:58 Gnomi Note Added: 0001068
2009-04-30 02:07 Gnomi Note Added: 0001069
2009-04-30 02:09 Gnomi Note Edited: 0001069
2009-05-04 04:12 Sorcerer Note Added: 0001072
2009-05-05 13:56 Gnomi Note Added: 0001081
2009-05-05 13:56 Gnomi Status assigned => resolved
2009-05-05 13:56 Gnomi Resolution open => won't fix
2011-02-22 23:00 zesstra Fixed in Version => 3.3.719